When I got a call from Jiab, Jill’s sister I knew that Jill and Matt’s wedding ceremony was finally confirmed taking place in August and that meant that I would be making them a wedding cake. Everything went so as apparently both Jeab and Jill were very easy going and Jill knew exactly what she wanted: a blue wedding cake. It took us merely one short lunch and one email later to settle with a cake design that incorporated 150 cupcakes along the tiers. And we also agreed that blue would be accompanied with a play of white, yellow, and pink.

Jill was thrilled of having peonies, to be exact giant white peonies as the main flowers for the cake, and suggested plumeria as the secondary flowers as there will be lots of plumeria trees in the garden where the wedding ceremony was planned to take place.

In the afternoon of August 25th I and Ning, my buddy traveled on a one and a half hour drive before we assembled the cake next to a swimming pool in a beautiful, mainly in blue decorated garden at a farm in Nakornpathorm,60 kilometres West of Bangkok. Ning was very handy and briefly worked out an impressive white satin table set-up (Thanks, Ning! You are the best!), while I was concentrating in arranging the flowers and cupcakes. My final touch was placing my very last blooms at the top tier cake. Just as it was accomplished, I allowed myself to exhale in total relief.

The completed cake quickly found many happy faces. Lots of photos were taken. There were cheers and laughter everywhere and guests were so relaxed and into the mood of romance.

I just love weddings, don’t you?