Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My 3 Hour Baby Step

Thank you all for the comforting words and mental support for my taking the introductory journey into the fondant world!

It was not an easy start I must say. After a long wait and obviously almost everything was idle during Chinese New Year Festive in Singapore, I out of good fortune, could finally make it to the basic fondant class just one day before I left. Amidst a compact 3 hour class in the group of eight students, I learnt or struggled to learn a few things including sugarpaste for flowers and forming roses, fondant and rolling, covering cake and decorating. And without any break or a refreshing sip of water, 3 hours flew like nobody’s business, the class was over and the fondant cake was right in front of me rushing to be captured in a photograph.

Everyone was posing in front of his or her cake, took some photographs, and made sure that it was a moment to be remembered since afterwards everyone of us had to go home, replay our memory and hopefully be able to make the fondant cake all over again on our own. That was another challenge by itself!

As I said good bye to the class instructor and new friends I just met, I had wondered whether everything hereafter would be fine. Firm cakes, pliable fondant, natural-looking sugarpaste flowers, tools and rolling pin, smooth fondant rolling were all occupying my mind. And right then, I couldn’t wait to have the taste of the cake.

I had my friend V come over that night so he could grasp the appearance of the cake I was trying to describe to him about a few days before and enjoy the cake with me. So there we had the first cut and to our surprise, it was very smooth. We had not expected that such firm and tough looking fondant was just so obedient to the rim of our plastic birthday cake cutter. However, just right on the first bite, we both paused and stared at each other. We shared the agreement that the cake was just unbearably sweet. We did finish our slices though, but I had V take the rest back to his house to share with his family members. I remember telling him “If they find it too sweet, ask them to remove the fondant and eat the cake only!” And I had hoped everything would be just fine.


  1. Oh my God, Kris, what a purity of beauty!
    Best regards, Nada!

  2. You made that gorgeous cake after only one class?? I am so impressed, Kris. I love the idea of the braided fondant around the base.

  3. That looks very artistic! Can't wait to see your new creations around fondant!

  4. Very nice fondant....smooth. BYW, did you learn yourself or you took a course. Any possibility to share your fondant recipes.

  5. Wow, you did a great job! That cake is perfect and so pretty. Those spring-like refined decorations are fabulous.



  6. Kris, Hope you had a wonderful holiday in Singapore. Your fondant cake is very pretty indeed :) I usually remove the fondant because of the sweetness and only take the cake too.

  7. I find fondant isn't really for my taste buds. I actually pick it off any cake I am served but what a brill first effort, looks like you have been doing it for years. The flowers are so pretty and not an easy thing to learn in just 3 hours! Fantastic effort ;0)

  8. Glad to see the results of your class--it looks great! I do agree that fondant tends to make a cake too sweet, though. It's still beautiful to look at, in any case!

  9. Is this the first cake???No way, so perfect already! You are and artist! Can't wait to see more.

  10. Welcome to the world of fondant, you will love it. Your cake turns out beautiful.

  11. Well, it looks stunning, at any rate! Hard to believe you're only beginning to work with fondant! As for being too sweet, I'm sure you'll find a balance. Keep it up!

  12. you must be kidding me, is this the one that you make with wood rolling pin ? that absolutely perfect and clean Kris. Now again you prove it! You are such a great baker.

    *its so true, no one like taste of fondant hehehe.. even they looks pretty. :D

  13. Baby step? I think you took a giant leap! Your cake is beautiful! It looks like you have been working with fondant for YEARS! You're a natural, Kris:)

  14. That cake is perfection, and if that's your first time working with fondant, you did a tremendous job. The flower work is so delicate looking.

    I agree that even though they say fondant is edible, I don't find it appealing to eat. I think it is more for show, and I guess that's why it's so often seen on wedding cakes.

  15. you are soo talented!! I like looking at pretty fondant flowers, but never had enough patience to make them :)

  16. This is just gorgeous - absolutely beautiful! I love attending cake/cooking classes. I hope one day to do a fondant one too.

  17. Gorgeous! I love how you arranged the flowers--I always find that to be challenging. And I agree about fondant--more for show than taste!

  18. this cake is completely GORGEOUS! i know what you mean about the taste of fondant though! i hear there are good brands you can get that taste great, but i have yet to find them...still it's worth it to look so pretty!


  19. Kris, you have got to be kidding me. 3 hours and come up with that! It took me 4 weekends of 3 hours per week class to produce a simple fondant cake. You are simply amazing and so is your 1st fondant cake.

  20. That cake is gorgeous. But it's the exact reason why I don't play with fondant too much. It's soo sweet, it ruins the whole effort of the cake.

  21. Yes I too find fondant very sweet, I just read your previous post where you were stating how much you wanted to make a fondant cake and I could see your gorgeous photos of the mouselike cake with fresh berries and I knew in my heart which I would probably prefer to eat.

    You did do a lovely job on the decorating though, very well done.

  22. Hey Kris,

    How could you ever be afraid of fondant when you've made something soo stunning? It's gorgeous! Shame it was too sweet, but I'm sure V's family members wouldn've loved the pleasure of eating such a lovely cake. :)

  23. That cake is gorgeous...!! Doesn't look like a cake made by somebody who is new in the fondant world at all, honestly!

  24. Ignore my comment on your more recent post - you already work wonders with fondant. This is beautiful!

  25. Fondant is very sweet, but taste aside, your first fondant baby step is an absolute success.

    I love the flower arrangement and the colours you've used, it's so elegant.

    Looks like something that you could buy at a bakery, honestly. Well done, it's gorgeous :)
